The eighth annual Curry Night, organised by the Yorkshire Region of The Furniture Makers’ Company, has raised a fantastic £2,000 for the industry charity. 

More than 80 people representing numerous companies in the UK furniture and furnishing industry attended the popular and well-established event, held at the Aagrah Midpoint, Bradford on Thursday 29th February. 

Throughout the evening, attendees participated in various fundraising activities, including a raffle, all contributing to the overall success of the event. All the proceeds will go towards supporting The Furniture Makers’ Company’s education and welfare charitable activities. 

“A huge thank you to everyone who supported the Yorkshire Region Curry Night - our guests, sponsors and donors," says Jessica Alexander, chairman of the Yorkshire Region. "Thanks to all of you we’ve raised a fantastic amount for the industry charity, and a good time was had by all.” 

The Furniture Makers’ Company has eight regional committees – East of England, Central, North East, North West, Yorkshire, South West, South East and Southern. Each committee aims to organise several fundraising and networking events in their area for members and non-members of The Furniture Makers Company.