16 January 2025, 09:27
By Furniture & Joinery Production May 02, 2019

Kronodesign Combinations brings individuality to the widest possible market

The current trend for mixing décors to achieve different moods and effects shows no sign of diminishing, and with Kronodesign Combinations, designers have a palette of contrasts, complements and new collaborations to meet consumer demand head-on.

Flexibility is key in a market where customers are increasingly looking for something more than uniformity and ‘me too’ designs. Manufacturers need more decors to work with, to gain the mix and match capability to create new and varied looks. The decors must have more authenticity too; surfaces have to be evermore ‘real’ in tone and texture.

These are the kinds of factors that Kronodesign Combinations has been created to address.

The wide variety of moods in the range serves as an inspiring baseline for designers – chic matt plains, rich rustic oak, hickory, marble, concrete and more extend the possibilities for contrast and ambience creation.

Kronodesign Combinations especially delivers in the wood-themed decors, there’s real depth and variance in textures and finish that compares favourably with veneers. The colours themselves faithfully reproduce the warmth and character of the timber varieties they reflect, with a natural appeal that’s firmly on-trend.

The combining of ‘industrial’ forms with rustic woodgrains is a particularly popular look in contemporary kitchen design, and Kronodesign Combinations reflects this consumer shift from clean cut clinical lines to more individualistic themes.

Softening the looks for bedroom and bathroom contexts is simple, given the extensive choice of different decors in the range. Kronodesign Combinations is equally suited to standalone furniture design, and the needs of the hospitality and hotel sectors.

In terms of the purely practical issues of manufacturing, the consistent quality of Kronospan boards makes for easy precision machining, uninterrupted production processes and minimised waste.

Kronospan has also added an app to help users experiment with the looks and moods of the Kronodesign Combinations range. It’s an essential tool for planners, craftspeople, specifiers and interior designers, allowing them to select from many Kronospan décor ranges in addition to Kronodesign Combinations, and try out ideas and options digitally. The app is customisable, and also gives access to Kronospan’s new image gallery and mood boards. 

The app is available for download at https://uk.kronospan-express.com/en/kronodesign-app

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